
For many working Australians, superannuation can be an effective way to secure your financial future in retirement. It’s important to regularly review your superannuation fund and level of contributions to ensure your fund is on track to help you reach your retirement goals. The more extensive your goals, the more super you’re likely to need to provide sufficient retirement income, so it’s important to know what strategies you could be using.

Maximising your super

The government provides tax incentives to encourage Australians to invest in super. You might consider setting up a salary sacrifice arrangement with your employer, allowing you not only to make super contributions from your pre-tax salary but also potentially reducing your income tax bill.

It is never too late to take control of your super, but the rules are complex. It is important to get financial advice to ensure you make the most of your superannuation.

Speak to us to find out more
A financial adviser from Lifestyle Financial Planning Services Pty Ltd can help make sure you’re making the most of your superannuation.

To find out how we can help, please call 1300 738 878 or email us.